Pianist Inna Faliks performs the Liszt First Piano Concerto in her Peninsula Music Festival debut, under the baton of Victor Yampolsky. The concert begins with the Liszt symphonic poem Orpheus, previously performed at the PMF in 1995. The program concludes with Berlioz’s orchestra tour de force, Symphonie Fantastique, last heard there in 2003.
Thursday, August 18, 2011 – 8:00 PM – Liszt – Berlioz Fest III
Liszt: Orpheus, S. 98
Liszt: Piano Concerto #1, S. 124, E-flat Major
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14
All Summer Symphony Season concerts are held in the Door Community Auditorium in Fish Creek, WI. Visit the Peninsula Music Festival web site for more information.